Cooperating Members

Cooperating Members of ITI may be admitted national institutions in the field of live performing arts which contribute to the realisation of the objectives of ITI and culturally diverse performing arts institutions which promote and enrich the objectives of world cultural diversity and thus contribute to the realisation of the objectives of ITI.

National institutions and culturally diverse performing arts institutions shall be admitted as Cooperating Members by resolution of the Executive Council with the endorsement of the Centre in the same country as the institution.

List of Cooperating Members

To access the information of the Cooperating Member, click on the name (in development).

Intercultural Performing Arts Company, France
Consejo Argentino de la Danza, Argentina
CRT St Blaise, France
Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Portugal
Global Arts and Development Centre, GADEC, Ghana
CHELoVEK TEATRA, International Festival and Laboratory for Small Scale Theatre Performance, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Janakaraliya, Theatre of the People, Sri Lanka
Maison d‘Europe et d‘Orient, France
MY PHAT Centre for Professional Training and International Collaboration in Performance, Vietnam
National Theatre Institute, Sri Lanka
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres, Canada
Theatre Designer‘s Institute, Bangladesh
Theatre Institute Chattagram, Bangladesh
Theatre of Young Spectator of the Sakha Republic, YAKUTIA, Russia
Youth and Children Centre for Arts Foundation, Gambia
Seoul International Dance Competition SIDC, Korea Republic